Top Resources, BOOKS, COURSES, and WORKSHOPS for Educators

The FRESH Teacher Workshops"
Join Dr. Stephanie Boyce, and The Fresh ClassroomTM for their upcoming Teacher Workshop.
This high-energy, interactive, teacher training is where they teach practical strategies to empower teachers to create lessons that are F.R.E.S.H (Fun, Relevant, Engaging, Standards-Based, and Higher Order) for all students.
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The FRESH Classroom COURSE
Are you ready to GET FRESH and take your classroom up a notch? This self-paced Course will help you with:
- Foundations: What is culturally responsive teaching and why should you care?
- Fun: How can I make my lessons more fun?
- Relevant: How do I make my lessons more relevant to students?
- Engaging: How do I up the engagement of my students?
- Standards-Based: How do I ensure my lessons remain standards-based?
- Higher Order: How do I push my lessons to higher levels for ALL students?

The FRESH Classroom BOOK
In The FRESH Classroom: Why Culturally Relevant Education Can’t Wait!, Dr. Stephanie Boyce shares personal stories to help educators unpack opportunities for applying culturally relevant education in their classrooms.
She offers field-proven practical strategies and evidence-based theories that empower educators to more authentically engage and become inclusive of ALL students in their classrooms.
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